Purpose, vision and why we do what we do

Our purpose is to help those suffering.

We are here throughout your journey, to guide you to a place of better mental and physical health.

We are driven by our three core beliefs which we would like to share with you.

Everyone has the right to be happy

At Don't Worry Be Happy, we believe that it is a human right to be free from stress and suffering. No matter what you may have been through, or what you are currently coping with, it is your fundamental right as a human being. It's worth fighting for. We instil self-worth in our patients, our team and everyone we work with to create Don't Worry Be Happy and of course, we always look for the 'happy'!

Suppression leads to suffering

Ill health, anxiety and depression are often caused by putting on a brave face. You may have become used to living with pain, or you're not expressing your real emotions, or acknowledging that you are suffering. Often we try to fit in and we're not our 'true' selves - it's hard to speak up. We can help you build the confidence to become a fully expressive person and learn to let go of the fear that has held you back. We will give you the tools to manage any challenges ahead. No more suppression, no more suffering.

Homeopathy heals harmlessly

Homeopathy has been a part of human culture for centuries. It works by addressing and treating the cause of illnesses, rather than just the symptoms. We use Homeopathy to help people restore their health without the side effects which often come with using heavy pharmaceuticals. We take a holistic approach to health, including nutrition, mindfulness, body work and exercise as they all play a crucial part in personal wellness. We know that these remedies can give you control of your health and help you achieve a state of happiness and wellbeing.

A word from our founder

“My aim is to help in whatever way I can”

Hello! My name is Stephanie Flaherty and I’ve been a nurse for nearly 30 years.
I currently work as a nurse manager of a nursing home in Ireland with 20 years emergency department experience, and as a homeopath online and in clinic.

Thank you for being here and reading more about Don't Worry Be Happy. I want to welcome you and tell you a little about who I am. 

With my experience as a Nurse and Homeopath, I understand the paths of both conventional Western medicine and Homeopathy. I have extensive knowledge of and experience in other fields such as nutrition and alternative therapies. I offer bespoke health solutions to my clients and apply the very best each discipline has to offer.

I currently work as a Senior Nurse in an Emergency Department and as a Homeopath online and in clinic. I have studied Emergency Nursing, Nutrition, hands-on body treatment (Bowen Therapy, NST and Shiatsu). I have also worked in Africa treating HIV - integrating the use of antiretroviral therapy (ART) with homeopathy.

It is important to me to use the latest research and evidence to inform my practice, allowing me to help people find balance with both paths of medicine. Continually learning and pursuing my education ensures I have everything I need to safely and effectively treat people.

Since moving to Ireland, I have been shocked and saddened by the rate of suicide and have first-hand experience of those suffering. I wanted to reach out, connect and help.

Knowing I had the ability to help others, I felt a responsibility to act. I knew I could help, before things became too serious. My aim for every patient is to help in whatever way I can. I signpost the best remedy, treatment, counselling or prescription which allows patients to gain perspective and a better understanding of themselves to bring them back to better health.

Through my heartfelt compassion, experience and knowledge, I create specific options for those suffering from the adverse effects of stress and unstable mental health. These tailored remedies target and heal the specific symptoms of anxiety and depression. I also offer a one-to-one service to people who find it beneficial to talk about their experiences, where I can listen and prescribe bespoke and individually-created remedies. 

If you are reading this and are suffering, struggling, feeling a little lost and are ready to get back your control, I hope these remedies will help bring you some relief and peace. I hope that you may have more self-confidence and reconnect with yourself and your incredible potential.

The remedies you will be offered have been created with love and prescribed with a heartfelt hope that you will be happy.

I look forward to hearing from you.

I'd love to talk to you Steph

As a company that prides itself on understanding people, our guiding principles are rooted in unlocking everyone's potential.

  • We are passionate about people expressing themselves. This freedom to show the world who you are and how you are feeling is fundamental to happiness. We value talking and we are here to listen to our staff and clients, always.

    At Don’t Worry Be Happy we guide you through your healing process and respect the right for people to change, grow and evolve.

    We value your journey, experiences and knowledge and we are here every step of the way. We care about people, even those we haven’t met yet, and at Don’t Worry Be Happy you can express your true self.

  • Life has a natural rhythm that ebbs and flows. Sometimes life is high and other times it’s slow and low. These rhythms are inherently human and completely normal. We’ve been through it ourselves. We have the experience both personally and professionally to recognise patterns of behaviour, along with key physical and emotional markers, so we can prescribe the right remedy to get you moving again.

    We value space, time, rest and relaxation for growth and development. Some companies can develop a culture of pressure, but here at Don’t Worry Be Happy we are inspired to challenge the perception of what a ‘working day’ can look like, always finding time to reflect and contemplate as part of the daily activities.

    We are all incredible beings who can sometimes struggle and muddle, so having this space is often what is needed to emerge and reach our potential with creativity and purpose.

  • The subject of health and happiness is vast and human behaviour is ever-changing.

    We are constantly researching, learning and listening to new ideas. We regularly review what we can do to incorporate new research and thinking into our services.

    We strive to deliver improved health, wealth and happiness and are happy to signpost other services as well as our own remedies. We promote the inclusion of many branches of medicine and healing.

    On the road to improving your health and happiness, sometimes a massage is better than meditation, exercise is better than relaxation; the experience we have is key in understanding what is best for the individual, so that recovery is as quick as possible.


Panic attacks are real, both physically and mentally. They're often terrifying. Balance and settle these reactions your body is experiencing and get back your wonderful life. 

Don’t Panic


Bring it on! Say yes to the social event, deliver the presentation, get on the flight, sit the exam, all with a new sense of ease. You can do it all with Fearless in your pocket!



Ray of light is a remedy created specifically to help alleviate the symptoms of depression. Our formula helps you come away from the heaviness and find a relief and space away from the low. 

Ray of light

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